Sunday, April 28, 2013

Mud, Color, 5ks and More!

So I know it's been a super long time since I've posted anything. This is on par for me since I usually start strong when journaling/blogging and then three months go by with nothing. I have journals from 4th grade on that are not even 1/4 full! But, I needed to find a place to post some videos I made of the most recent race I completed, and since Facebook is less than helpful today I figured here would be an ok place too. My friend Vicky had planned on running this with me but she has an injury so I decided to document the experience a little for her. This was a Color Splash 5k fund raiser for the local 4-H. 

I figured parking would be a hassle so I walked from my apartment to the park where the start/finish is. It took about 20 minutes and I made it just in time for my heat at 10:27. My parents came in from Norwich to see me, too!

I joined in the group when my heat was called, I was somewhere in the middle of the pack. Only the first heat of this race was competitive so I wasn't worried about time or corral placement at all. This was just for fun and for getting some race experience. The course wound from Stewart Park to the Ithaca Farmers Market and back with three color stations along the way. I took this video at the halfway point.

Unfortunately the color was not sticking at all. I used some water from the water station to get my shirt a little wet but there is still almost no color on there at all by the time I finished. It was a gorgeous day but the warmest temps I've run in yet. I will need to prepare when I start doing 4 and 6 mile runs this summer when it's much warmer and there's humidity on top of that. I passed by many students from IC who were either walking or running and we had fun saying hi to each other and I even got to jog with one of our student workers from the office for a little bit. There wasn't the same kind of energy at this race as there was at the Tough Turtle last weekend, but no matter. It was still super super fun. I decided to take video of the last little bit of the course and crossing the finish line. As you can tell, I couldn't see my phone screen because it was way too bright so I had no idea what was actually being captured.

So I missed you Vick! We will definitely do another one ASAP. 

Last weekend I had my very first formal race ever. It was a touch mudder, so not a traditional race that I would use for a competitive time, but I had never entered anything before. I will post an update with more details about that later, perhaps in another three months!